The International Fellowship of Christian Magicians
- Mission: ...assist every effort to ... advance the art of magic and other performing arts, from a Gospel point of view.
- Statement of Faith (must be signed by every applicant)
- I have received Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior and believe the Bible to be
the only inspired infallible word of God. I believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and
He died on the cross as the only atonement for my sins; that He rose from the dead; that He
ascended to the Father's right hand in Heaven, and will one day come back for those who trust
in Him.
- Personal Committment - As a member of this Fellowship, I commit myself to:
- reaching lost souls and encouraging growth in the body of Christ through the use of such
talents as magic, ventriloquism and associated arts;
- diligently to be a more proficient performer with these talents; and
- carefully uphold the code of ethics of the magic profession (related to exposure of
magical effects and ideas).
- Media
- Balloons
- Clowning
- Chalk Art
- Juggling
- Magic
- Mime
- Puppetry
- Story Telling
- Ventrilogquism
The Christian Conjurer Magazine
- bi-monthly membership publication
- Sent via Air Mail to Canadian and overseas members
- Contains:
- Gospel routines for the various arts
- Exchange of ideas
- Announcements of activities in various parts of the world
Membership Fee
- United States $25
- Canada $30
- Overseas $35
Home Page